It should use decal when is true
(1) Each bar and pie piece should have different decal
(2) The first bar and pie piece decal should be blue
(3) The second and third bar should not have decal
If aria is not enabled, decal can also be enabled
(1) Only the first bar and pie piece should use decal (be blue)
(2) `aria.label` should be in the HTML
Change parameters and check if it goes into endless loop
All sankey nodes should have decal (they are from palette)
decal color of all except "a" is blue (they are from series.itemStyle)
decal color of "a" is yellow (it is from dataItem.itemStyle)
All sunburst nodes should have decal (by 1st level) (they are from palette)
All treemap nodes should have decal (by 1st level) (they are from palette)
All circle/rect should show decals.
Circel should be in specified decal (in blue) and specified color (in orange).
Rect should be in palette decal and palette color
Symbols should keep aspect ratio